Meet Sadie: Roc Solid Play It Forward Playset & Ready Bag!

Like any two year old, Sadie was always excited to get on her feet and rush around causing mischief. But as Sadie’s mama bear was watching her daughter explore, she knew something wasn’t quite right. And when she took Sadie to the doctor to have her examined, she was confronted with the worst possible news.
She told us:
“[Sadie] was having trouble walking, and was falling and hurting herself more than a normal toddler at two years old. We knew something was wrong, but you never think that… you would be hearing that your child has cancer.”
The family’s lives were turned upside down. After hearing this devastating news, Sadie was checked in to the hospital for immediate medical care. But with no time to prepare, Sadie’s parents didn’t have the things she would need for a calm and comfortable stay.
That is, until they received a Roc Solid Ready Bag.
With items like toiletries, a blanket, and a tablet to watch Sadie’s favorite cartoons, the Roc Solid Ready Bag gave her family a lifeline in a desperate moment. But more than that, it showed them that – no matter how shocking the diagnosis – they weren’t alone.
“My husband and I were so grateful for this special bag that was packed with so much love and care, and I was in tears. You have no idea how much parents like us with children recently diagnosed with cancer need these bags.”
In the months following Sadie’s first visit to hospital, she needed dozens of doctor’s appointments to keep an eye on her health. And since she wasn’t able to play with children of her own age, Sadie was really missing out during an important time in her life.
But the love and support of Sadie’s community shone through yet again…
… when the Roc Solid Play It Forward program built her a backyard playset of her very own.
Sadie’s mama bear still clearly remembers that day, saying:
“It was the nicest thing anyone had done for our family. We have made so many fun memories with her brother and sister on that playset this past year, with lots of laughs and no one thinking about doctor’s appointments while they play.”

Even in a dark time, Sadie’s playset is a way for her and her family to forget about the fight with cancer, and simply make beautiful memories playing with each other. And we pray that Sadie continues to feel the hope and love of the Roc Solid community whenever she shoots off down her slide wearing her big blue backpack.
To help make life better for children like Sadie, you too can support the Roc Solid Ready Bag program or volunteer for Play It Forward. Or, if you know a family who just received the dreadful news of a pediatric cancer diagnosis, find out how you can request a Ready Bag today.